On our way to Fairfield Sec Sch. All of us were very excited and stressful for this competition. Some of them were chewing up their breakfast on the bus because they were so engrossed with the preparation of their uniform that they forgot to eat their breakfast. Luckily Miss Loke had prepared some breads and drinks for the cadets.

The cadets were so scared and excited that they stood throughout the bus journey. But actually, they didn't want their uniform to get crinkled.

They really enjoyed each other's support and company!

I told them this is a once-a-lifetime thing. You won't get to represent Evergreen Redcross again because you are already Sec 4.

Look at all the handsome young men in the bus!

Forgot to turn on the flashlight.

Although Amir was smiling broadly at this moment, deep in his heart, he was praying hard that things would turn out smoothly because he was the COMMANDER!!!

Daniel was up to some mischief AGAIN.

Daniel again, trying to entertain the rest of the cadets to make the atmosphere less tense.

Seniors came back to support and help out. Thanks a lot, Seniors!

Miss Loke was making the last minute inspection that all was prim and proper.

This was the actual competition and my heart thumped out of my body whenever they made a mistake.

They were very serious! I was praying hard silently.

Yes, we were North District Campion AGAIN! Sometimes, it can be very boring whenever you get the same GOLD, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! Hahaahahaaa.....

We only got consolation for the fancy drill but none of us was sad or disappointed. The cadets had done their best and they deserved a good rest.

Two GOLD trophies AGAIN!!! What is silver? What is bronze? I can only recognise one colour: Gold, Gold, Gold!

Well done cadets! You have created new history in Evergreen Secondary School. To me, Gold is just a piece of metal but what is really important is the process of achieving something together. I hope that through this experience you have become a better person and treasure this friendship for a long long time to come.
This won't be possible without the effort of everyone. And this includes the supporters, seniors and not forgetting, the other CCAs who sacrificed their time to train with us. They are the NCDCC, NPCC, NCC and the sports CCAs for letting us occupy the whole parade square for many afternoons. Thank you all for making this possible!
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