Many thought that ICT was a break from work and it was a great time to relax. I would like to correct that statement. Yes, it was a break from work but it was certainly not a great time to relax. We worked hard during the missions and toiled under sun and got slapped by unpredictable rain at all times. Mosquitoes became our common enemy and we could do nothing about it. Finding a clean toilet was a constant problem. And sleeping peacefully and comfortably during the missions was a dream that would never come true. My eye bags darkened to such an extent that I wouldn't even want to look into the mirror. If I did, I would be staring at a panda. I meant an ugly panda...yeah...that's me.
The most comforting part of the whole Army Exercise was that all the army guys suffered the same time that I was going through. And because of that, we were bonded together strongly. The celebration came when we returned to civilisation and had a 2 day-1 night R&R. We really maximised the time and had many great feasts, shopping spree and massages late into the night.
Below are some of the photos taken to fossilize the moment we had together.
DO: What will you remember most in this Army Exercise?
KW: ...(Silence with a sullen face)
KL: I like the pearl rice and the girls asking me whether I wanted to drink more hot coffee.
Sam Soo: I will remember a lot of things in Taiwan such as the bubble tea, the great local cuisines and the shopping spree. But there is certainly one thing that I won't forget. And that is the hardship that we went through together as a team during the missions. How we helped one another regardless of we ate hot rice under the we set up and tore down CP numerous times...and because of that I will remember this friendship for eternity.
DO: Wah...model answer from a teacher!
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